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In the jewelry market, if you can`t attract your customer to a product in the first few seconds (say about 5 seconds), you have most likely lost that customer. More than 90% of customers believe that the images of a given product are to a large extent, determinants in the decision-making process leading to the purchase or dropping of a product.
Capturing the perfect shot of a beautiful piece of jewelry is actually more difficult than it appears to be, just ask any professional or just about anyone who has attempted it. The final picture would have to be enhanced and a lot larger than the real-life version. This process of enhancement (zooming in) will make the finer details clearer and if care is not taken little errors or mistakes such as smudges caused by your fingers or other sources will end up diminishing the beauty of the jewelry. The ideal camera, the perfect light, the most appealing shine, the perfect angle, the most appropriate background, these are all worthy of being taken into consideration when deciding to dabble in jewelry photography. The importance of a good jewelry photography could not possibly be overestimated in a business setting. If as a business you deal in jewelry, then you are in dire need of the perfect shot; after all in the jewelry business, beauty and perfection are everything.
The perfect shot is also required so as not to make the product seem too unreal, the customer (mostly online) need to be able to discern the flaws and unique aspect of each product.


What You Need

1. Camera:
There is no such thing as the perfect camera for jewelry photography. But you can definitely find the most appropriate camera for your needs and requirements. Although, whatever DSLR camera you decide to purchase a macro lens is a necessity. The macro lens enables you to take excellent quality close up photographs, and there are a variety of lenses in the market depending on your choice. Generally, the camera that gives you the most control (ability to change camera settings) is the most optimal as your needs may vary from time to time. Two among many recommended cameras for jewelry photography include:
• The Sony SLT-A58K: Excellent for close up shots with good Autofocus capabilities.
• The Nikon D3400: Allows for Bluetooth connection to your mobile phone and gives you the ability to tweak important camera settings.

2. Background and Props:
There is a reason why white background or very rarely, black backgrounds, are the most popular background colors you find online. This is because they draw the attention of the customer to the only interesting thing in the entire picture – the product. So, you do not need to attempt creating an attractive background as that would only serve to distract your customers. The same principle can be applied in the use of props such as mannequins. If they can be done without, don`t use them.

3. Reflections and Shadows:
Reflections on a piece of jewelry can seem very unprofessional. A double overhead lighting setup can help with that specific problem.

4. The Perfect Angle/ Focus:
Your customers want to see every detail, don`t try to be cryptic about flaws in your product. Misleading your customers would only lead to a bad reputation. Using a high aperture, a full focus photograph with ISO as low as possible would be preferable.

5. Right Lights:
The most tricky part is lighting setup. You will need at least two flash heads or continuous lights.Many flash lights found in stores arrive in kits that have all the necessary accessories like a flash trigger,tripods, umbrellas, diffuses and stands.

These are just a few points in jewelry photography for businesses. Stick to the rules, make use of a suitable camera, display every detail in full focus, and jewelry photography will become easier for you. Most importantly, a business will be better.